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5Di© Toolkit

Tool, templates, tips.
Go change the world ;o)

5Di© is a human-centred learning design process that enables people to stop designing education and start designing learning.
It solves two persistent business problems: that training rarely has an impact, and employees often see it as a waste of their time.

*NEW for 2023* V.1.3 now available as a downloadable zip file.

Bear in mind that this is a snapshot of the tools, and that the latest versions of files are contained in the folders liked to in the sections below.

5Di©: An Overview:

A two minute introduction to 5Di.

Here’s a link to some tools that will help introduce it.

5Di©: Define

Defining measurable outcomes in ‘think, feel, do’ terms.

Here’s a link to the tools you will need.

5Di©: Discover

Using data to inform design; discovering the tasks & concerns that drive learning everyday.

Here’s a link to the tools you will need.

5Di©: Design

Creating resources that help people with the job, and experiences that transform them.

Here’s a link to the tools you will need.

5Di©: Develop

Assembling an MVP from challenging and experiences and useful resources.

Here’s a link to the tools you will need.

5Di©: Deploy

Making your work visible and accessible.

Here’s a link to the tools you will need.

5Di©: Iterate

Evaluating impact and improving your products over time.

Here’s a link to the tools you will need.